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Fragments from the net
How to mime the Natalie Imbruglia song ”Torn” Robotdance Amazing things you can do with your body. Jeff Jarvis goes blog-pro
P1800, the most good-looking Volvo ever?
The idea of producing a sports car as a means to improve the selling of regular cars, Volvo’s chief of that time, Assar Gabrielsson, got in the USA in the beginning of the 50:ies. During quite a long stay in the USA he started what would be a 20 years long period of sports car…
Do you remember was founded in 1998 by Malmsten and his friend Ms Leander, both swedish. Five years ago died.
Something little about Norway and my day so far
Today I take it on swedish… Idag är det Norges nationaldag och jag har väl inte reagerat så mycket över det egentligen även om det skrivs lite här och var om detta event. Blind Höna har till exempel bloggat en kul grej som ni måste se. Annars har det hittills varit en dag av möten,…