Poeter.se goes english on Poetbay.com

Like to write? PoetBay.com is a poetry webpage where you can publish your poems and short stories. This webpage started as a nonprofit webpage to provide a safe haven for authors interesting in publishing their texts. The original website www.poeter.se is reserved for the Swedish speaking/writing audience. It has several thousands of users, and contains … Läs mer

Skype Takes VOIP Upscale

The company that makes the Skype software that lets internet users call one another for free anywhere in the world is launching two premium services, as the number of downloads topped 100 million on Friday. SkypeIn and Skype Voicemail are built into the latest version of the software, available for the Linux, Mac OS, Pocket … Läs mer

Tillfälligt avbrott men inte längre

Oj! Det var länge sedan det blev något publicerat här på Nobel Prize Winner. Misströsta dock inte. Har haft en massa att göra den senaste tiden med Genusbalans.se som lanserades för två dagar sedan. Redan nu har webbsidan skapat visst intresse på lokalt plan. I går fanns en artikel i Smålandsposten och på kvällen kunde … Läs mer